1, February 12th, 2015 by mwd under Uncategorized
Mark your calendars: I will be part of a panel for the
. This February 25th at 7:00 pm. The theme: “We DO Judge a Book (and CD, DVD, graphic novel…) By Its Cover!” The digital age has made quality creation so much easier and affordable but not enough attention is given to the final product “presentation,” the external look/packaging of the product. Three of the region’s best graphic artist- illustrators, all with experience in entertainment product cover design, will lead a discussion. Co-hosted with WVSU Art Department. Cost – Free. Register HERE
– Mark Wolfe
– Josh Martin
– Brenda Pinnell
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1, February 12th, 2015 by mwd under Design, Illustration, Mark Wolfe Design, Politics, Uncategorized
One of my skills is illustrator and I have always loved political cartoons in particular. One of my all time favorites was the great Herblock. When I did the political cartoon for the ‘Yellow Jacket’ newspaper at West Virginia State University, I always referred to his art for inspiration. That was 1983-1986. Now I am very proud to be speaking on Herblock’s work and life in March at: Political Cartoons: From Herblock to the Present, located at the Kanawha County Main Library, downtown Charleston.
Here is some more information: Join local entrepreneur Mark Wolfe for a look at the life and work of political cartoonist Herb Block. Herbert Block (1909-2001), better known as “Herblock,” became the most honored cartoonist of his time, winning three Pulitzer Prizes, and sharing a fourth for his Watergate cartoons which contributed to the resignation of President Richard Nixon. He was the only living cartoonist whose work was exhibited in the National Gallery of Art, and the only living cartoonist to receive the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Mark Wolfe was a political cartoonist for West Virginia State College’s school paper from 1983 – 1986. Block was his inspiration and he owns all of his books. Mark is also the owner of his own successful company Mark Wolfe Design. His company has won several regional and state-wide awards, including 2008 West Virginia Main Street Business Person of the Year. A special traveling exhibit from The Herb Block Foundation will be on display on the first floor during March. For more information, go to http://herbblockfoundation.org.

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1, July 18th, 2014 by mwd under Uncategorized
In 1994 when I started out by myself in my home on the West Side of Charleston, I never dreamed that I would endure as a sole proprietor as my grandfather Blaine Pauley and Glen Blackwell did before me.
At that time, desktop publishing was very young in the Kanawha Valley, and there were only a handful of us working from a small office downtown, or home. My good friend, Mike Switzer and I recently had the opportunity to reminisce about the “old days.” Mike pointed out to me, that in the early 1990’s, there were only 5 people in the Kanawha Valley doing what is now considered very mainstream in the business world.
Over the years, I have served clients across the state of West Virginia and have reached into the international community with my marketing and creative design services. Clients of Mark Wolfe Design have included: East End Main Street, Charleston ReStore, The Grand Ol’ Opry, International Coal Association, Legal Aid of West Virginia, Walker Machinery, and Buzz Food Service. As a marketing and design professional, it has been a dream come true to serve these organizations, boards and committees with my talents to support my community.
I am incredibly grateful for the clients and friends who have kept Mark Wolfe Design going strong for 20 years this month. Never will I take for granted a clients’ faith in my abilities to service their needs, while they continue to support me through referrals and repeat business opportunities. Many clients have been with me from the beginning, allowing me to grow with their business, while together, we grew their business exponentially. It is incredibly exciting when I am given the opportunity to take a limited vision of what marketing and creative design can accomplish and profoundly work outside of those parameters.
I have watched the marketing and creative design industry change significantly over the past 20 years. The agencies that were once dominant are getting smaller, as many new agencies and small proprietors have entered the scene. The public has also become increasingly aware of the advantage of using local, smaller design shops for their marketing and social media most needs.
I have also been very blessed over the years to be surrounded by other creative professionals. These friends support and inspire me. One such friend is the great Glen Brogan, who I have admired for years, while watching him soar into fame. I am extremely honored that Glen created a custom image for the 20th Anniversary of Mark Wolfe Design!
I am proud to say, that as the marketing and creative design industry ebbs and flows, peaks and valleys, one thing remains constant and that is the professionalism, dedication and creativity you will get from Mark Wolfe Design. I look forward to showing you what Mark Wolfe Design can and will do for your business well into the future. I look forward to continuing in service to the Kanawha Valley and beyond with the creative services I can provide. Here’s to another 20 years of supporting YOU and your business!
Thank you, West Virginia!
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1, January 27th, 2014 by mwd under Uncategorized
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1, October 3rd, 2009 by mwd under Uncategorized

Amy williams and I have been asked to do a new shrine for this years Dia de los Muertos exhibit: http://www.indplsartcenter.org/
The Mexican tradition, Day of the Dead is a family celebration, a reunion of the living with their deceased relatives. On November 1, departed children are remembered. This is known as the Day of the Little Angels or Día de los Angelitos. Adults are remembered on November 2. Different regions of Mexico celebrate in different ways. In some villages a boisterous masquerade parade takes place while in other areas residents hold candle-lit vigils in the cemetery. Mexican communities in the United States also celebrate the Day of the Dead, blending their traditional fiesta with modern festivities.
The Indianapolis Art Center began providing Day of the Dead programming in 2000 as a response to the growing Hispanic and Latino populations in Indianapolis. It started as a way to engage this community through a celebration of culture and tradition. The Art Center has found that Day of the Dead programming bridges all communities because death is an experience shared among all people. Communicating the history and importance of this celebration through art activities that reflect the tradition and engage children and adults in discussion regarding their own beliefs has connected people from all walks of life. The Art Center serves an educational role regarding Day of the Dead and continues to strive to bring people of all backgrounds together.
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1, May 2nd, 2009 by mwd under Uncategorized

I always buy a big box of treats from Pattycake Vegan Bakery in Columbus! They recently launched a tee design contest and my design submitted was one of the designs selected for the final prize! A delicious vegan cake will be awarded to the designer whose t-shirts sell the most. Check out the designs and if you want to help my design get most orders and win the contest and a cake I just may share some with you. Or, maybe you’ll get a great new, cool t-shirt for the summer. Either way; we all win!
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1, April 29th, 2009 by mwd under Uncategorized

Things have been very busy at MWD, but I wanted to post a recent event I was honored to be a part of. On April 21st a reception was held at the Governor;s Mansion to host the 2008 Main Street West Virginia Awards. Mark Wolfe Design was Business Person/Business of the Year 2008 Main Street West Virginia award recipient for East End Main Street. This was a great honor and I’m proud to have been among many other great businesses and volunteers that night who received awards for their work in the community they live and work in.
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